RECIPE: Speedy Chicken Curry with Flatbreads and Cucumber Raita

This satisfying, wholesome and comforting meal is perfect for a weeknight family  supper.

Course: Dinner
Serves: 4
Ready In: 1 hour

300g self raising flour
15 ml (1 tbsp) olive oil
1 x 400 ml tin coconut milk 
Extra flour for dusting
butter or coconut oil, for frying

Cucumber raita
125 ml (½ cup) full cream plain yoghurt
1 salad onion, finely sliced
6 cm piece of cucumber, coarsely grated 
small bunch coriander (5 g), roughly chopped

Chicken curry
10 ml (2 tsp) olive oil 
4 x chicken thighs and 4 drumsticks
salt and pepper
1 brown onion (about 120 g), finely chopped
10 ml (2 tsp) Rajah Mild & Spicy Curry Powder 
5 ml (1 tsp) crushed ginger
1 x 400 g tin diced tomatoes 
250 ml (1 cup) chicken stock
40 g baby spinach 
coriander, for serving (optional)

To prepare the flatbread dough, place the self raising flour in a mixing bowl. Add  the olive oil and 225 ml of coconut milk. (Reserve the leftover coconut milk for the  curry.) Mix to form a dough. Cover the bowl and set aside. 

To prepare the raita, place the yoghurt and onion in a small bowl. Squeeze the  excess liquid out of the cucumber and add to the bowl with the coriander. Mix well  and set aside in the fridge. 

To prepare the curry, heat the oil in a deep saucepan. Season the chicken with salt  and pepper and fry in the oil for 3 minutes per side until golden and crispy. Remove  from the pan and set aside. 

Add the onion to the same pan and sauté for 2-3 minutes. Add the Rajah curry  powder and ginger and cook for a further minute. Stir the tomatoes, chicken stock  and remaining 175 ml coconut milk into the pot. Add the chicken back in, bring to  the boil then lower the heat and simmer for 20-25 minutes, stirring  occasionally, until the chicken is cooked through. 

While the chicken is simmering, cook the flatbreads. Dust the work surface with  flour and divide the dough into eight balls. Use a rolling pin to roll each ball into a  rough 12cm circle. Heat half a teaspoon of butter or coconut oil in a frying pan.  Cook the flatbreads in batches for 3-4 minutes per side until golden and puffed up,  adding more butter as needed. Wrap the cooked breads in a clean tea towel and  set aside. 

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