Nicci Boutiques donated 10% on all pink items to PinkDrive this October for Breast Cancer Awareness Month. The #NicciGivesBack campaign raised R50 610 in total for this non-profit organisation that delivers much-needed health services to remote and disadvantaged areas.

“The funds raised through the Nicci campaign are instrumental in bringing free gender-related cancer screening services to disadvantaged communities around South Africa,” says Noelene Kotschan, CEO and Founder of PinkDrive.
PinkDrive powers South Africa’s first mobile Mammography Units and Educational Units. “Nicci Boutiques support will keep our mobile units moving and reaching those with limited or no access to medical services,” adds Noelene.
By actively participating in Breast Cancer Awareness Month, Nicci increased awareness and raised much-needed funds for breast cancer. Nicci is passionate about purposeful and conscience fashion.

Early Detection
Nicci stands united against breast cancer, a disease that affects all races and class structures. “We know that awareness alone is not the cure to breast cancer. Every effort counts when it comes to a fight like this, where early detection is key, and healthcare access is paramount to those battling the disease,” explains Niki Breger, Co-Founder of Nicci.
“The support from Nicci helps us achieve our vision to be the leading non-governmental organisation dedicated to creating and promoting awareness about cancer and our mission to promote awareness, early detection and screening for gender-related cancers in the general population of South Africa, sharing the message that early detection will help to prolong life,” says Noelene.

Company Conscience
Nicci hopes to make a difference in the lives of women across South Africa. “We have seen first-hand how change can be actioned. Having a corporate conscience enables businesses to contribute to society. We encourage others to take on community-driven initiatives and become change-makers,” explains Niki.

The Nicci brand plans to continue meaningful initiatives in the future. “As a predominantly female-run business, our breast cancer initiative sits very close to all our hearts. We want to continue helping where we can, in whatever capacity we can. By showing our support and making valuable contributions we can assist in enabling a better tomorrow for the women of today,” concludes Niki.